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Why should I make the switch to solar?

I get asked these questions often. They are valid questions to be asking. Solar is still relatively new and not a lot of information out on it. All you have is companies telling you to go solar but not many are telling you why. They are sleazy salesman just trying to make a sale. Are you still benefiting from it even if you don't know why you are doing it? Absolutely.


Most people go solar for the savings aspect of it. What they don't know is they are making a huge impact on the planet by making the switch to solar. One house at a time builds momentum and then becomes an environmental movement that benefits everyone. We are in a huge need for another source of energy that is renewable and lasts without billions of dollars in upkeep costs that current utilities require. 


I will go over a few key reasons on why making the switch to solar is good for everyone. Why the utilities prices continue to rise and how come the hate us in the solar industry. What sort of impact they are having on the environment and what we can do to fix it. If you have any additional questions or would like a free consultation, please schedule one here and I can get more into detail with you on your specific home.

Coal Burning

Water Pollution

     The way we create power through our power plants is killing our planet. Air pollution is just one of he ways it is doing so. President Obama proposed that we reduce carbon emissions by 30% in the next 25 years. Each state has its own amount of carbon emissions to cut, depending on what each state decides. This could phase out existing coal plants. There is effort being made to help reduce the pollution thrown into our breathing air. Here are some facts on the topic.


*Electricity is the Largest Source of GHG

*Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity have increase by about 115 since 1990

*Fossil fuel-fired power plants are the largest source of U.S. CO2 emissions

*Approximately 67% of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels

*According to American Lung Association, air pollution remains a major danger to the health of children and adults

Generating electricity is dependent on water


*Water is used for cooling 90% of U.S. Power Plants. Even though most of the water may be returned to its source, it is significantly higher temperatures which can harm the ecosystem.


*Electricity production from fossil fuels and nuclear energy requires 190,000,000 gallons of water per day, accounting for 39% of all freshwater withdrawals in the nation.

Mining and Refining Coal is Dependent on Water


*Total water used for coal mining in the U.S. ranges from 70 million to 260 million gallons a day


*Slurry pipelines withdrawal hundreds of gallons of water for every megawatt-hour of electricity produced.


*Pollution "scrubbers" produce close to 200,000 tons of sludge waste per year for a typical power plant.

Refining Natural Gas is Dependent on Water


*A single hydro-fracked well can require several million gallons per treatment.


*400 million gallons of water per day are consumed for natural gas refining and pipeline operations.


*Hydraulic Fracking is exempt from the Federal Clean Water and Safe Drinking Acts.

Solar Energy

Solar is one of the cleanest renewable energy source out there. Instead of burning all these fossil fuels and polluting our waters, we can simply add panels to the roof of your home and let the sun do all the work. Nothing else is needed but some solar panels and help from the sun. The sun beats down on the panels and makes electrons hop around. Those electrons then go down the wire into the inverter which converts it from DC power to AC power. Done. That's it. Generate all the power that you need for your home from solar panels.You can start making a difference today by considering Solar energy. Schedule a Consultation with me today and together, we can change the course or how energy is created.

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