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About to start researching solar for your home?

Where to start?!?


I've accumulated this list of articles on top asked questions as resources to help. From home value to tax credits, it's all here for your convenience.


If you have any additional questions or would like more research on something specific, reach out to me and I can guide you.


Happy Research!!

Why should I go solar? What are the benefits?


Justin Osmer - Check it out here

Energy Informative - Check it out here

Solar Power Rocks - Check it out here

NEM 1.0 vs. 2.0 - Check it out here


Will solar increase the value of my home?


The Motley Fool - Check it out here

Cost of Solar - Check it out here

Energy Sage - Check it out here

NY Times - Check it out here


Am I going to get leaks in my roof once I go solar?


Understand Solar - Check it out here

Third Sun Solar - Check it out here

Renewable Energy World - Check it out here


Can I get a tax credit if I own my system?


TurboTax - Check it out here

SEIA - Check it out here


Do I need a battery backup?


NY Times - Check it out here

Triple Pundit - Check it out here

Tesla - Check it out here

Energy Sage - Check it out here

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